June 27, 2020
Source repository moved to github
Just a quick heads-up to the people working with the H-Craft sourcecode.
We had to move repositories to git as the Mercurial support on Bitbucket runs out end of the month.
You'll find the new links on our
H-Craft source page.
And big thanks to Bitbucket for hosting our repositories for free over the last years!
August 08, 2015
Bugfix for Linux: remove libts dependency
H-Craft did not start on some newer Linux systems with the error:
"Error while loading shared libraries: libts-0.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
If you have that problem please get a new download at:
DOWNLOAD hcraft_v1_3b.zip
Alternatively you can update by copying this
libSDL-1.2.so.0 to hcraft/libs/linux_shared/libSDL-1.2.so.0
Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks to the users reporting this!
February 25, 2015
H-Craft Championship on Android and open source!

We proudly present our first Android game.
H-Craft Championship's beautiful 3D graphics are now available on mobile devices.
It's controls got reworked and finetuned and flying over the tracks is more fun than ever.
Get H-Craft Championship for your Android devices at
Google play.
It's free to play and if you prefer you can upgrade to an adfree version.
But that's not all...
We love working with the Free Software community and had been supporting GNU/Linux years before Steam made it cool ;-)
So from today on we share the complete H-Craft Championship source code with all of you!
Check the details at our
H-Craft source page.
February 23, 2015
H-Craft Championship 1.3 released
Get H-Craft Championship 1.3 for Windows and Linux for free:
DOWNLOAD hcraft_v1_3.zip
We got much feedback about the controls over the years, so we decided to work on those.
- H-Craft still has this dream-like quality of flying over the tracks on a cushion of air.
- There are now energy walls around the tracks preventing falling off in many situations.
- Experts can still take short-cuts at corners.
- Steering has been fine-tuned to allow more control over the H-Crafts.
Additionally there have been many changes under the hood.
The Linux versions is now running on 64 bit and switched to OpenAL-Soft.
We hope this does fix the start problems some Linux systems had in the past.
Also our Android port has been finished and we are currently working to get it on google-play!
Check back later this week - we will have even more news...
March. 18, 2014
H-Craft Championship is now free!
From today on you can download and play the full version of H-Craft Championship:
DOWNLOAD hcraft_v1_2.zip
It should run on most Windows and Linux systems.
If you love the game check back in a few months! We're working on an Android version which will be released for a very low price.
Have fun!
edit: Some 64-bit Linux users report crashes on start. Also some have sound-troubles. Sorry for that.
In most cases it's possible to get it running by installing 32-bit compatibility libs.
Otherwise please try the Windows exe using WINE.
The next release will hopefully work better on 64-bit Linux. We plan to release it together with the Android version.
edit2: Someone on http://gamingonlinux.com/ found another trick around Linux troubles. Start it with: padsp ./hcraft
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